Hanau my home away from home for 18 months

by David Arsenault
(Dracut,MA USA)

Market Square

Market Square

I was stationed in Hanau with the US Army at the Pioneer Kassern from July 1966 to Jan 1968.
I can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed my stay there. The wonderful times I had in the city during my off duty hours. Partying and drinking some fine German beer at places like the Eden Bar on Lamboy Strasse or the Jolly Bar. Also the fine German food I ate at the many restaurants through out the city. Oh those Bratwurst and Wiener Snitzels.

But the best part is the really good German friend I met while I was there. His name was Bernhart Koenig (Bernie) and he worked on the base with me in one of the mess halls. We bonded a good friendship and enjoyed going out together partying at the local bars doing some sight seeing and of course admiring the pretty young fraulines in the area. At 19 y/o and the first time away from home, I became very homesick and lonely but that all changed when I met Bernie and considered myself very lucky to have met and became friends with such a nice friendly German guy, who also spoke English very well.

Unfortunately due to some circumstances beyond his control he stopped working there on the base and I didn't hear from him or see him during the last 6 months or so of my stay there. As I went back to the states and got discharged I continued on with my life but always thought of him and wondered how he was doing. For some reason through the years I always had the premination that I would hear from him and see him again.

Then one day nearly 40 years after I left Hanau I came home and had a voice message on my phone from someone in a nearby town of Westford Ma. I came from a city near there called Lowell Ma. The message asked me if I had ever been stationed in Hanau Germany and that someone he was chatting with on line was looking to get in touch with me.

I had thought maybe it was and old army buddy from my company in Pioneer Kassern. So I called the number he left me and the guy gave me the email address of this person. I wrote him an email and he wrote back to me. I was shocked to learn it was Bernie. This was incredible, I couldn't believe it was him after all these years.

We immediately rekindled our friendship and the following Sept I went back to Germany to visit him and his wife of 35 years. It was such a wonderful time visiting him and Hanau again.
He and his family, a son and daughter and 3 grandchildren, were so friendly and hospitable to me.

I have since been back there twice and the last time with my daughter and grandson also.
I am returning to visit him again this Sept and this time he and his wife are taking me on a week long trip through Bavaria and the beautiful Bavarian Alps. It is a trip I'm looking forward to very much and of course a chance to do some sightseeing around Hanau again and a trip to my old base which was closed and all deserted last time I was there 2 years ago.

So that's my story about Hanau and can't wait to go there again this Sept.


(Submitted 31st July 2012)

Comments for Hanau my home away from home for 18 months

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Jan 02, 2025
I was with the 509th NEW
by: James

There were several units in Hanau.

Jan 02, 2025
Reply to Donna NEW
by: BILL M

The last reply was not from me - thanks for your info - his/your time was after me - I left Feb 71

Jan 02, 2025
Response to Domna
by: Bill

Name sounds familiar but not positive.

Jan 02, 2025
Response to Bill
by: Donna

My dad's name is Donald Oates
We were there 1971 to 1975

Jan 02, 2025
Response to Donna
by: Bill

What's your father's name? time at 574th? No we can't post pics here

Jan 02, 2025
by: Donna

I'm not sure if we can post pictures on here. I have a great one of my dad and some of his men standing in front of the 574th sign. They has just completed a volksmarch

Jan 01, 2025
Response to James NEW
by: Donna

James, you just missed serving with my dad
He was Chief on the 574th Personnel Company
We came back state side in 1974

Dec 31, 2024
574th PSC
by: David

James-That's Strange. I was put in the 574th PSC when I first got to Germany as no slots were open for my MOS which was Signal. They were at the Hutier Kasern when I was there(1966-67)

Dec 25, 2024
574th PSC NEW
by: James

I was stationed at Pioneer Karserne from 1975-1977 with the 574th PSC. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. If anyone has pictures of the barracks or anything around that time, please some to me at jhhardy@nc.rr.com.

Sep 18, 2024
Respons for O.J. Archie 2/75th FA NEW
by: Ingrid van Egmond

2/75 FA NEW
by: Archie

This must be you, I have been searching for you for at least 20+ years.

I met you when I was on holiday with my mother Magda in Lloret de Mar, Spain, we wrote for a view years
Please contact me ingridvanegmond@me.com

Jul 06, 2024
My time in Hansu NEW
by: Anonymous

I too was stationed in Hanau at Francois Kaserne from 67 to 70. I really liked my time there. I read that you visited the Jolly Bar. It was right across from our Kaserne. I went to Garnisch to ski. Terrific people met there. A friend met and married a girl from Grossauheim. They went back to the states.

Mar 27, 2024
Brit Band The Sound of Tyme
by: Bill Messacar

A Brit band The Sound of Tyme played Pioneer back in December 70 - I believe they were out of London - any recollection of them in your travels back then?

Mar 26, 2024
Frankfurt NEW
by: David

Denis -I haven't thought of Kaiserstrasse in forever! I use to go down there on pay day. :)

Mar 26, 2024
Pioneer club and Atlantic Bar
by: Denis

I was part of Scottish Band we played The Pioneer club on the base then played Atlantic Bar this was late 1968 after this played K52 Kaiser str. Frankfurt met some lovely guys from US Army stationed at Base in Hanau very fond memories of our time there.

Mar 10, 2024
Hanau American School
by: Sharon (Gilluly) Jackson

I went to Kindergarten and 1st grade at Hanau American School and lived in town. I know it was a third floor apartment above a bar, there was a small bakery down the street where I had to watch to catch the bus to school. I wish I could remember the name of the street. Was the High School on Pioneer Kaserne, that sound familiar or Lamboy? It was 1956-58 and all wonderful memories for me

Mar 08, 2024
did high school hanau high
by: regina mccauslin

my dad was stationed at pioneer in 1976 till 1982.i remember the school i was in it was hanau high.
i remember the bowling alley me and my sister would go there all the time.my first husband rick reeser was stationed there we came back to states in 1984.at one point we moved above tonys pizza,i still have a lot of family over there my mom was german.when i was in school there i whent to another one in the morning like a trade school.i loved it over there;genaswisher6@gmail.com

Feb 13, 2024
509tth AFA
by: Jim Krupp

The good ole Pioneer Club. Cheap beer and sometimes a good band. I was there from 1956 to 58..I was back= one time and everything was changed.No more bars and even the streets had changed. I was a young kid but I have good memories of the place.I didn't like it but I was to dumb to know that at the time....Field trips etc. YUK

Feb 13, 2024
My home also.......
by: Anjim krupp

I was at Pioneer Kasern form 1956 to 1958....Spent many a mark at the Jolly bar;;;;;;

Nov 08, 2023
hanau Germany 1956 -1958 NEW
by: Anonymous

Pioneer Kasern. Spent much time in the Pioneer Club. With the 509th AFA..Anybody out there????? jkrupp

Sep 28, 2023
by: Tony Chaney

I was stationed there from December 67 to January 69. 85th Maintenance Battalion and then to the Unit Police. Loved my time there. Great beer and food. Tony’s Pizza was there also.

Sep 07, 2023
Fotos NEW
by: Anonymous

U can't post fotos on this site

Sep 07, 2023
by: David

I didn't see a way to post the pictures.

Sep 07, 2023
621 NEW
by: Noe

Can you post the pictures

Sep 04, 2023
Good time before man ny luck
by: Joe heery

I was in pioneer 60 -61 @ 881 ordinance .was on third floor
Of barracks. Was at end next to German guard barracks
Across from church. My email joeheery@yahoo.com

Aug 29, 2023
621gen sup
by: David

I was thinking the motor pool was that building to the right of the mess hall. The Comm Center where I worked in the basement and the 574th PSC was on the left of the mess hall. I have a few pictures of Hutier and that area but didn't see a way to post them.

Aug 29, 2023
621gen sup NEW
by: Anonymous

I was in that building on left by the motor pool. i was on the bottom floor.the good times

Aug 28, 2023
Hutier Kaserne Bowling Alley
by: Anonymous

Anonymous-I was there for nearly a year and a half. First at 574th PSC. My Signal MOS had o slots available when we got there so I was put in the 574th PSC where I was about six months. Later, I put in a request to transfer to my signal MOS with the 155th Signal Platoon which across the parade field was our barracks, 2nd floor. I spent the duration of my time there.

Aug 28, 2023
Hutier Kaserne Bowling Alley
by: Anonymous

Yes, the 621st was at Hutier Kaserne.

Last building on the left in the Kaserne and across from the motor pool and I believe the Bowling alley
was located by the motor pool also if my memory is still ok! (lol!)

I think the 547th? Med. was also in the same building as the 621st.

Aug 28, 2023
by: David

Chuck Was the 621st Gen Supply Co. at Hutier Kasern?

Aug 27, 2023
by: Chuck

I was with the 621ss GEN supply to. Aug 66 to March 68 we were out int the field for two weeks. mar. 5 of us got orders for Vietnam.
Work at ration break down. My mos was POL. had som good times there? I did also after hours help with the bowling ally.

Aug 22, 2023
Hutier Kaserne Bowling Alley
by: Chuck

Stationed with 621st Gen Supply Co. Nov 66 to May of 68.

I was in charge of ordering fork lift parts at the warehouse location.

*Bowled in a league at the bowling alley and actually won a trophy for high average*

Jul 23, 2023
Park Restaurant
by: David

Noe-I don't remember the bowling alley but have good memories of the Park Restaurant and the "Stork's Nest"! What kasern were you in?

Jul 23, 2023
by: Noe

I used to go there to. Do you remember the bowling alley? I was with the 621 Gen Supply Co till March of 68. came down on levy.5 of us sent yo nam

Jul 22, 2023
by: David

I guess I miss those marvelous Schnitzel sandwiches across the street at the Park Restaurant from Hutier Kaserne more than anything. My weight in gold to taste them again.(1966-68) All the food was great but those were the best. The beer? What can you say...none finer.

Jul 21, 2023
David Arsenault's memories
by: David Tatlock

Fabulous sentiment, a rare continuation of an accidental friendship kindled almost in spite of the US Army that was the background cause. This would not have happened in East Germany, btw.

May 21, 2023
Home in 60/61 NEW
by: Jim Nixon

I was stationed at Pioneer Kaserne, Hanau in 60/61 My company was the 881st Ordnance co. we worked at Wolfgang Kaserne. I spent most of my time at the Pioneer Club and the bowling alley. Im nearly 82 years old now and remember those days very fondly.

Apr 17, 2023
Pioneer kasern NEW
by: Dee

My dad was stationed in hanau/Frankfurt and we lived at pioneer kasern 1965-66. It was so much fun. Would love to find my best friend Marcia kirk.

Mar 28, 2023
Thinking of the 574 RPC NEW
by: Wanda Mintz Clark

I was stationed on Pioneer Kaserne with the 574th RPC from 1978-1980 in Hanau.
My then husband was SGT Stephen Clark with the 516th ENG BN.

He and I divorced but still communicate to this day.

I would love to hear from anyone that I knew.

Please email me at wandalkincaid@gmail.com.

Those was some of my best days there.


Jan 07, 2023
Anyone NEW
by: Anonymous

I was at Hutier Kaserne 66-68. does anyone remember the Bowling alley there?.

Jan 04, 2023
by: AnonymousNoe

I left in april of 68 5 from my Company came down on leva' sent to Nam

Jan 03, 2023
by: Anonymous

Noe Boilard, that was the same time I was there. 574th PSC and then 155th Signal Platoon. I left early 1968.

Jan 03, 2023
by: Noe Boilard

I was at Hueter from 1966-68. 621 Gen Supply Co.

Jan 02, 2023
by: David

I was in the 574th PSC(Personnel Service Co.) but that was in Hutier Kaserne back in the mid 60s-not Pioneer.

Jan 01, 2023
574th NEW
by: Barb

Anyone have photos inside/outside the 574th on Pioneer. Please let me know or send them to:
Loved Hanau and 574th !!! 1974-1978.

Nov 11, 2022
Adamos Snack-bar lamboystr59 Hanau
by: Anonymous

My grandpa was the owner of Adamo’s snack-bar on Lamboystr59 in Hanau until his passing. My mom met my dad, an Army soldier and left for the United States. If anyone has old photos of my grandpas Pizzaria I would love to see them. My last visit there was in 1985.
Eddie Perry and Iliana Marcili Perry parents
Irmgard and Adamo Marcili grandparents

Aug 14, 2022
Hanau, Germany
by: Anonymous

Memories of my 18 months in Hanau are still in the forefront of my memory, thankfully. It was such a nice little town when I was there-June 1966-Dec 1967. I have pictures others gave or sent me after I got home but I didn't take any myself as I didn't have a camera then. I would have definitely taken pictures of the Kaserne and the "Storks Nest" downtown.

Aug 14, 2022
Hanau, Germany NEW
by: Anonymous

Was watching a program about Germany on TV. and bought back a lot of memories. My Husband was stationed in Hanau Germany from 1956 to 1959, and I came to Hanau for 3 years while he was there. He was Stationed at Pioneer Kassern I loved Hanau, Germany. We never returned there but have so many memories. My Husband met Elvis Presley while there. We visited Garmish, and Burchess .Garden. Brussels World Fair and so many places. These memories will last me forever..

Jul 29, 2022
fabulous memory story from "David"
by: David Tatlock

...about the German "Bernie" friend. A rare event.

Jul 26, 2022
At Fleighorhorst NEW
by: Dale

Was the night manager at the EMC from about 1963 -1964. Helped serve the President's entourage when he visited this Kasern after his Berlin Wall speech.

Jul 15, 2022
by: David

Wade-Remember the "Stork's Nest" as we called it downtown? Just outside of Hutier's gate to the right about a block down on the right was the Maxim Bar.

Jul 15, 2022
Francois Kaserne NEW
by: Wade Pippenger

JJust found this site. Awesome to read about some of the places that I visited while I was a 63C with the 1/40 th FA from 1978 to 1980. Brings back great memories. VFW Club about a block to the right when you come out of the gates. Waiting on new years in the Market Place to see if the Brothers Grim would actually swap places. And last but not least the Red Light District in Frankfurt and the Yes Club.

Apr 11, 2022
posting pics NEW
by: Bill

I stand corrected - 4 years ago - I didn't scroll down far enuf

Apr 11, 2022
by: David

Contact Rita and she'll tell you how. I feel sure last year or year before I posted some pictures.

Apr 11, 2022
Hutier NEW
by: Noe

Bill jan 1986 someone did

Apr 11, 2022
posting pictures NEW
by: Bill

you can't post pics on this site - strictly dialogue

you might try facebook - ask to be a member of US Army in germany-hanau community

Apr 11, 2022
by: Noe

How do you post Pictures?

Apr 11, 2022
2/75 FA NEW
by: Archie

I was in 2/75 FA from 1988-1990 on Fliegerhorse Kaserne.
We had the Modernaire club which was on base as well as the burger bar which was located in the old vlock tower building that caught on fire. We would also go to Pepe’s/ Tonys pizza and then go to the village and Skyline clubs before hitting the clubs in the red light district in sachsenhausen in Frankfurt.
Anyone who was in 1-32, 227 AVN, or 158 AVN as well as 2/75
Please hit me up

Apr 05, 2022
by: AnonymDavidous

Noe-I can't recall the bowling alley but remember the theater and library on post and of course, the PX...back when you could get a carton of cigs for $1.50!

Apr 05, 2022
Mess NEW
by: Noe

The mass hall was between two buildings..I was on the fris t floor. The door closest to mess. March 68 got orders for Vietnam. Five of us. Remember the bowling alley.

Apr 04, 2022
by: David

Noe-That must have been close to the mess hall...trying to get a picture in my mind. That was the same side as our Comm Center as well.

Apr 04, 2022
by: Noe

Across from you i was second building on right.

Mar 24, 2022
Hutier Kaserne
by: David

Noe-You may have been just down the hall from us. We were on the 2nd Floor at Hutier, first building on the right as you came through the entrance.

Mar 24, 2022
Hanau hutier kaserne
by: Noe

I was ststion there in 1966 till marcu 1968. with 621st gen supply Co. had some great times. does any one remember the bowling ?

Feb 07, 2022
Fliegerhorst Kasern 1970 to 1974
by: D Dasher

My father was a CW2 with 574th PSC during this time. I was in junior high school. I remember Hanau fondly.

Jan 13, 2022
Hutier Kaserne NEW
by: Anonymous

Ii hate to hear all of them are gone. I had hoped at some point I could go back and walk down Lamboystrasse again and see Hutier where I spent 18 months with the 155th Signal Platoon. I do have a few pics but, it's not like being there.

Jan 13, 2022
Hanau Kasernes
by: Bill Messacar

All Kasernes in the Hanau area have been closed and are going thru renovations/renewals for the past couple of years - A lot has changed since you were last there - I went back 6.5 years ago (time's flying) and only got as far as the gates at Pioneer - locked up - have a look on GoogleEarth - you'll be surprised

Jan 13, 2022
Francois Kaserne
by: Raymond Butt

I was stationed as a 63B (light wheeled vehicle/power generation mechanic) on Francois Kaserne in Hanau from May 84 to Oct 86. Met a lot of good people over there. Would love to go back and see how the place has changed.

Nov 20, 2021
Francois Kaserne
by: woody Evans

I was at 1/40th fa from march 1984 to September1985. Cooked at the monster, the messhall on Francois kaserne.

Sep 30, 2021
by: Chuck Mutt

I was at Francois kasserne from 1961 to 1963.

Mostly pleasant. Loved the locals.

Aug 01, 2021
memories NEW
by: Sheryl

I have enjoyed the memories this site brought me. My husband was stationed there in 66-late 68. I was excited to see the picture of Ron Fleenor. He and his wife were our neighbors. We all lived in German apartments. He and his wife and dog, were a fun bunch to be around.

Jun 08, 2021
Hutier Kaserne
by: David

Chris-So, they've basically turned Hutier into condos/apartments from what I gather. I guess the old PX and theater is gone. Seems many cities in the US do likewise.

I'm still not clear why the Army left there in 2007. I guess it's like the old adage, "You can't go home again". Another memory chalked up to progress and changing times.

Jun 08, 2021
Hutier Kaserne NEW
by: Chris

David, here's what happened to Hutier ground: after the U.S. Army moved out of the barracks in 2007, the city of Hanau decided to relocate the volunteer fire department from its old site west of the city center to the former tank hall. A new building has since housed the Hanau Hazard Control Center. The site to the north has been earmarked as an expansion area for Ikea, while a car dealer and a garden center have settled in the south.

Further use of the site failed due to a lack of interest, so that the historic buildings in particular stood empty for a long time and fell into disrepair. It was not until 2012 that the situation improved and companies settled there. The former drill ground was given the name Sophie-Scholl-Platz, which was heavily criticized because her name (she was a German resistance fighter against Hitler and the Nazis, a member of the "White Rose" group) is simply unsuitable for a former Kaserne. Due to the continued rather restrained demand, it was decided to build apartments at Hutier as well, contrary to the original plan.

At State Park Hanau-Wilhelmsbad you should plan to visit the restored (and operating on request again since July 2016) Carousel next time. It's breathtaking and amazing - unique in the world ! BTW: National Carousel Association is proud having been able to support the restoration of this historic jewel build 240 years ago: https://carousels.org/psp/Hanau/

May 20, 2021
Park Restaurant
by: David

Roy-I was at Hutier from Summer 1966 till Dec. 1967. "Cordon bleu with pom frits" brought back memories. Their Schnitzel sandwiches at the Park Restaurant was simply superb. I've longed for one ever since I had my last one there.

I don't know if Hutier Kaserne is there anymore or not but at least I have a few pictures of it. I'd love to visit again but doubt much is left of what I remember.

May 20, 2021
Hanau kasernes NEW
by: Bill Messacar

Wolfgang like Pioneer kasernes are no more - mostly demolished except for 10-12 bldgs on Pioneer - check GoogleEarth

May 20, 2021
Fond memories
by: Roy Holmes Anonymous

Stationed on Hutier Kasserne from 1973-1976 with A CO 503 S&T BN Absolutely loved Germany, great people great food. Wished I would have gotten more addresses of the people I met there. Spent a lot of time at the Park Restaurant, loved the veal cordon bleu with pom frits. Worked at Wolfgang Kasserne, don’t think it exists anymore. I plan to return sometime soon, sure the memories will flood back. If any of my old friends see this, look me up on Facebook, live in Jamestown North Dakota.

Dec 11, 2020
by: Cornell Polain


Nov 22, 2020
Co, D, 2nd Hvy Tk Bn, 33armor NEW
by: Bill Butler

AT 17yrs old, was assigned in May 1962 to Company D, 2nd Heavy Tank Bn, 33rd armor. I made some good friends there and did have the opportunity to complete my high school education. Really enjoyed my stay there until ROAD where we traded in the old M-103 for the M-60 tank and formed the 3rd Tk Bn, 32nd Armor assigned to Ray Barracks in Friedbery in May 1963.

Remember my good frieds Rick Brewer from upstate New York and Mike Tucker from Massapequa, Long Island, and Bill Taylor. Would love to hear from anyone who served. My e-mail is shield@gate.net

Feb 27, 2020
574th PSC
by: David

When I first arrived in Hanau in June 1966 I was put in the 574th PSC as there was no slots open for my MOS...72H20(Signal). I stayed there for about six months and put in a request to transfer across the parade field to the 155th Sig Platoon. That's where I stayed to the day I returned stateside in late 1967.

Feb 26, 2020
Hutier Kaserne
by: Bill

I was station at Hutier Kaserne from Dec 1965 till July 1968
I was in the 574th Personnel Services Company.
I was in the Data Processing Section which was just
We had a good group of guys in our company
I am from Wisconsin close to Green Bay
We spent alot of time at the Park Restaurant
Some time at Teddy Bar
We did alot of our work in a bigger data processing unit in Franfurt
We had W4 who was head of the data processing unit
Our company clerk was from our home town area

Dec 13, 2019
by: David Fincher

Thank you, Rita, for bringing me together with old friends I would have never found otherwise. Danke Schoen for your kindness and for mentioning Tom.

Dec 12, 2019
by: Rita

To everyone who knew Tom Mayo, I am so sorry to read about his passing.


Dec 11, 2019
Tom Mayo
by: David Fincher

It's with a sad and heavy heart that I want to mention the passing of an old and dear friend that I first met at Hutier Kaserne back in 1966 and found him courtesy of Rita and this website two years ago.

We talked many times via email and phone calls once we ran across each other and shared a lot of precious memories of our Army days in Hanau.

Tom passed away Nov. 30, 2019 in Reno, NV after a lengthy bought with health issues. I saved all the emails we sent each other the past two years and the pictures we sent back and forth.

Rest in peace, my old friend and wait for me. I so miss you.

Dec 11, 2019


Feb 09, 2019
by: Danny

Hi. I was the 85th HQ CO. 76-78 I was the company courier. Drove from to Frankfurt daily hitting the other Kaserns
In the Battalion 29th S S, 699th couple of others. Had to keep my eyes peeled for the white supremes, They set off a bomb in front of the Abrams 3rd Support Command in Frankfurt. Any body out there.

Nov 06, 2018
Hanau drinking establishments
by: Tom Mayo

During my tour in Hanau from '66 - '68, I found there were many a fine drinking establishments, the Teddy Bar, The Jolly Bar, the Storksnest to name a few. The 2nd Support Bde and the 155th Signal Platoon frequented the Storksnest. Was it tradition, good beer, up to date tunes, fellowship and sing alongs with our drinkin buds, commiserating about the NCO's and officers or about the Army in general?
I remember the layout of the joint, the placement of the jukebox, the bar maids name (Ursula), my car on the street outside the bar but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the street it was on.
My question: Does anyone recall the street the Storksnest was on? ;(
If u do, please post,

Jan 07, 2018
Thanks You, Rita
by: David Fincher

My sentiments exactly-Tom. I only hope more may see and know about this site. I'm so glad I ran across it.

Jan 07, 2018
Thank You, Rita!
by: Tom Mayo

I wish to publicly recognize and thank our site Hostess Rita, for making it possible for me to connect with an old Army buddy. I hope you all who post here can connect with some old friends and share some special moments of times gone by. Hanau and it's warm and friendly people made my stay there one of many memories I shall cherish forever. Tell your friends about this site and/or link it to some of yours.
Thank you!

Jan 06, 2018
Another Picture
by: David Fincher

Thanks to Rita for posting those pictures for Tom Mayo.
I have the one I was looking for now and hope she will post it as well.

The tall fellow on the back left name was Paul(last name). Ron Flennor is in the middle and to his left is a fellow we just called Tex...can't recall his name.

Bottom left I can't recall his name. Beside him was one of my room mates named Accomondo. The guy with the hat is me.

This was a "short timers" party for me at the Park Restaurant, best I recall.

Tom Mayo, you've brought to life so many memories for me, thank you sir! I never knew all that went on with the 155th. Jim Rogers(aka Buzzard) was a character indeed. I still don't know how he got away with what he did without being thrown in the stockade. He was tall, lanky and did have reddish hair and when he got drunk and came back to the barracks you knew it because you could hear him singing below, "Here's a heart crying out for love..."

Nace had a slight space between his front two teeth but wasn't red headed. Sgt. Milner-remember him well. We called him Micky Mouse due to the silly things he did or wanted you to do. Remember Sgt. Eckerson? didn't care much for him, either. 'I am surprised about Tom Adams. SFC-guess I should have known since he was such a gung ho kind of guy but one of the nicest fellow I knew.

I can't recall Jerry Hecker for some reason...can't place his face. Hope you're able to see the photo I got Rita to post of the short timers party for me and hope you're doing well. So great to hear from you and see your posts.

Jan 06, 2018
Photos of David Fincher
by: Rita - Website admin.

David 1967

David somewhere in Frankfurt

Jan 06, 2018
Further Musings of Hanau Memories
by: Tom Mayo

Ich lieben Sie for starting this site to bring so many people who have such warm and wonderful feelings of their time in Hanau.
Vielen Dank!
David, I do remember SGT Tom Adams. He was always "squared away", starched and spit-shined. We connected about 10 years ago. He sent me some photos of some of the guys in our unit, Blaney and Bell among them. In 1969 the 2nd Spt Bde and the 155th were deactivated and the cadre from the 155 relocated to Frankfurt as part of the 201st Signal Company, at McNair Kaserne & worked at the Abrams Building (IG Farben). My buddy John McMillan was one who transferred. Tom Adams stayed behind to close up shop. Afterwards he was reassigned to Viet Nam. After VN he was reassigned to a unit in Stuttgart for a time, then back to the States for further duty at Vint Hill Farms Station. VHFS closed in 1997. Tom left the Army as a Sergeant First Class (E7)
Last I head he was living in Warrington VA.
You are correct, it was Blaney who was levied. Jim Bandy left before either you or me. I remember him as a good guy. I hope the years were kind to him.
The "buzzard" was one of the first guys I met after transferring from the 574th. He had quite a reputation of getting stinko and trying to jump out of the 3rd floor windows. He would crouch in the window well (remember the kaserne walls were about 3 feet thick) and caw like a buzzard. I recall one night he was so dunk they had to chain him to his bunk for fear he would really jump. I also recall on the few occasions when we had to stand reveille in winter, the parade ground was smothered in fog you couldn't see 10 feet. Buzz would put on a pair of boots along with his underwear and throw a blanket over himself and stand for reveille before going back to bed. What a character.
I don't recall too many from the 574th. I spent my birthday (Oct) there. My mother sent me a birthday cake but it didn't make it in one piece and it had dried out in transit. Nace sounds familiar. Was he a redhead? The only guy I really recall is Ron Fleenor. He was a 72B assigned to 574th who stayed in the 574th. One day I saw him with E5 stripes while we who left were only Spc4's. I eventually passed the Sergeants' board and got my stripes only to have them taken away by SSG Milner after getting into an argument with SGT Jerry Hecker over undelivered weather reports. I got them back a couple months later. Ron brought his wife over so they lived off post. He bought an old Mercedes taxi (diesel) and had it shipped home. Hope he hung on to it. It would be worth a few Bitcoins today.
I loved those rides to Frankfurt to burn classified trash at the IG Farben incinerator. My driver and I could turn a 3 hr trip into an all day event. Little things made the time pass quicker. Like the Storksnest Bar drinking and sing a longs. Wish I could remember the street it was on. ;-)

Jan 05, 2018
Email me photos-Rita
by: David Fincher

What's the email address, Rita?

Jan 05, 2018
Email me photos
by: Rita

Hi David Fincher,

you can email me a photo, or two, and I'll add them here as comment.
info at germany-insider-facts.com

I can't add large photos, but I'll do my best.

I am glad that you (and others) found old friends.

Cheers, Rita

Jan 05, 2018
Remembering the Guys
by: David Fincher

Tom-I don't see a way to attach a photo or I would. Remember Tom Adams(E5)? I roomed with him on t he end facing the "strass" then moved to another room with those guys I mentioned. I think Bell, Blaney and the others were in the next room down. Bandy went home before I did and never was levied. Maybe you're thinking of Blaney. I think Tom Baxter was levied also. Do you remember the guy named Rogers that they called the 'Buzzard"? Always drunk every chance he got.

While at 574th I roomed with Caine, Jamula, Hessler and Nace. Remember any of those? My last six months I got Roger's job as courier and all I did was go back and forth to Frankfurt, sometimes Stuttgart, delivering classified documents...love it. :)

Jan 05, 2018
Hello David Fincher
by: Tom Mayo

Hello David Fincher. After 51 years I'm a little fuzzy on your visage but I'm sure I'd remember you if I saw your photo. After all the 155 wasn't that large. I lived on the second floor also in one of the corner rooms that overlooked the guard shack and main entrance. I roomed with an E5 who had transferred from Korea who spent most of his waking hours at the Legion Post across the street getting soused. I came off "mids" one morning and found him kneeling before his bunk, half on, half off, I thought he was praying... he was actually dead drunk asleep. He left the room a mess and the XO tore up the room on inspection. Soon thereafter I joined the rest of the squad on the 3rd floor in the last room next to the latrine. To this day I think the shift work ruined my circadian clock. I had a car and a German girlfriend (whom I married) so I didn't spend much time in the barracks when I wasn't on shift. Saw much of Germany as a local would see it. If our esteemed site hostess would allow it, you can reach me at tango, golf, whiskey, 1 (at sign) golf, bravo, India, sierra. Nice hearing from you.
All the Best

Jan 05, 2018
Bandy, Bell, Koslasky
by: David fincher

Tom May-you probably remember me as I do you! I was in the "zoo" after transferring from 574th PSC for a short time then got a room down the hall on the 2nd floor with Tom Baxter, Accomondo(sp?), Brewer and myself. I remember us having a short timers party for Bandy.

I don't know how to post a picture but have one You'd love to see of one of the short timer's parties across the street from Hutier. I went back to "the world" Dec 29, 1967. Baxter sent me a letter not long afterwards and inside was the Queen of Spades!! We played hearts a lot.

Jan 04, 2018
My Hanau Memories
by: Tom Mayo

David, seems you have written my Hanau story. Arrived in Hanau in late '66 by way of a 9 day sail to Bremerhaven and train to Hanau. Assigned to the 574th PSC (top floor of the brigade building) managing Officer 201 files. Able to transfer to the 155th Sig Plt. Was a trick chief in the Commcenter in the basement of same building. Also made classified trash burn runs to IG Farben in Frankfurt. Loved to watch the mini skirted girls ride the Paternoster elevators there. Spend many hours at Zum Storksnest bar downtown. Married in Berlin to a girl I met in Hanau. I think the roommate who was levied was Brady or Bandy who used to pal around with Bell and Kosloski. He wrote back to say they changed his MOS from 72B to 11B and gave him a rifle. Remembering John McMillan, Tom Adams, Jerry Hecker. Ron Fleenor. Had a run in with SSG Milner, lost my E5 stripes for a while. Would loved to have gone back before the Kaserne closures. I loved Hanau and think of those days often. Hope the world has been kind to all the guys I served with. Bless you all.

Dec 16, 2017
Quaint Little Hanau
by: David

We arrived in Frankfurt around June of 1966 and I was stationed at Hutier Kaserne from then till late December 1967. I was initially put in 574th Personnel Svc Co. due to slots not being open to put us in our regular MOS, 72H20. After a period of time I transferred to 155th Signal Platoon where I worked in the Comm Center across the parade field from where we stayed.

I've thought of this place often over the years and even thought of visiting till I found out all Americans had left in 2008 when Hutier was closed and I assume the other Kasernes like Francois, Hessen-Homburg, etc. My only memories are in my head as I didn't take many pictures not being into photography back then like now. I'd love to hear from some of the guys I was stationed with but no idea whatever became of them. One of my roommates I know got levied to Vietnam shortly after I left, right after Christmas 1967.

Good memories of Hanau and made many trips to Frankfurt to the I.G. Farben building delivering classified documents. My one regret is not getting many photos since it's all changed now.

Dec 13, 2017
85th maint veteran Hanau
by: Anonymous

hi, was in 85th Maint. same Bldg Sep 66 to Oct 69 Was in Electronics Maint the guy who spoke german rainier-6@hotmail.com

Sep 04, 2017
Pioneer Kaserne
by: John

I was stationed with the HHC 85th Maintenance Battalion from 1970 to 1972. If I remember right we were the third building to the left as you entered the main gate. I was one of the operators of the van mounted NCR 500 for stock control. I lived at 2600 Bogenstrasse in Wolfgang.

Jul 30, 2017
by: Jerry Lollis

During your time there I was getting ready to go to Viet Nam from Fliegerhorst Kaserne. Loved Lamboystrasse..take care

Jul 23, 2017
RE: Bill Rafuse comment
by: Ken Moore

If you were in the computer trailer, I recall one of the operators or NCO was Hugh Garrity (sp). He might have came after you left, but he was a wonderful individual. Major Deso was the CO when I arrived and Jack Ducray was the 1SG- who was also in charge of the ration coupons we all were issued. That led to some problems a few months later relative top Black-Marketeering. A wonderful time and experience.

Ken Moore

Feb 08, 2017
Must have crossed paths
by: Bill Rafuse

I was with the 574th from early 1971 till my discharge in 1973. Worked in the keypunch trailer and than the Univac 1005 trailer with a friend Gary Neu the only other name I recall was Steve Heath.

Jun 23, 2016
by: joe

I was stationed at the Pioneer Kasern, Feb. 1955. I remember most my visits to the Jolly Bar. Sorry to see the Pioneer Kasern in its present condition.. Many GI's called it home. I was part of the 507th Ordinance and left Germany in the Spring of 57. Joe

Feb 23, 2016
574th PSC
by: Anonymous

I was stationed at the 574th PSC from April 1972 - March 1975 and loved every minute of it. When my wife arrived we had an apartment on Burgalee before we were assigned quarters I Fliegerhorst. We went on as many Volksmarches as possible - usually within two hours of Hanau.

My wife and I returned to Hanau in 2014. Through a series of exchanges with the townspeople, we were able to gain access to Pioneer and tour the old sod. We even got to go into the 574th building. It was one of the last to close down before the kaserne was turned over to the German government. The walls and rooms had many memories of the good time and interesting people that I met and worked with. On the basement floor, next to the gun room, was a tailor shop where we could get our uniforms put together with the proper insignia and also buy a tailor-made suit at a very reasonable price. It was the people that made the place special - plus I was in my early twenties back then.

They unlocked the old dining hall building and we were able to walk through it. The building was so strongly made that it would only take a couple of week of cleanup and installation of cooking equipment and you would have a first rate dining facility one again. I would go there for breakfast some mornings because the head chef made some superb SOS.

I also remember going into town every Saturday for the farmer's market (that also operated on Wednesdays) During our recent trip, my wife and I went down there and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Although I no longer drink beer, I did have a "curry-wurst mit senf und pommes-frites

Great memories - keep them coming

Oct 23, 2015
lou fabbiano
by: David Arsenault

I read your post and have to say I was in Germany from 1966 to 1968 and stationed at Pioneer Kasern. If you went to the Jolly Bar then Im sure we must have bumped into each other because I pratically lived there especially on the weekends. Went there all the time with my German friennd Bernie who worked on the base with me. I have so many fond memories pf the jolly Bar and of Hanau also.

Oct 23, 2015
by: Bill Messacar

I was with the 574TH from July '70 to Feb '71 - a short hitch over there. Was unit CBR NCO.

Oct 23, 2015
Looking for Fellow Soldiers
by: Lawrence Moody

Hello, I was stationed in Hanau from September 1982 until July 1984, on Pioneer Kasern, with the 574th PSC, I would like to hear from some of my fellow soldiers, I have a lot of fond memories of being there, and the people I've met will forever be in my heart!

Sep 19, 2015
Mess Hall On Pionier kaserne
by: Bill M

Does anyone remember the German Army artwork on the ceiling of the mess hall on Pionier (H shaped building) located at the Western side of the kaserne ?

Jun 16, 2015
Lamboy Kaserne
by: lou fabbiano

I was stationed at Lamboy Kaserne 1966-1968
Visited the Jolly Bar on a regular basis.
Loved the food. beer and people overall.
I visited Frankfurt and Heidelberg, Paris,
Rome, Athens and Holland.
Great experiences with my side kicks Larry
Schlenger, Pat Murphy, Joe DePasquale, Albert
Snachez, Rich Lytle and many more.
Never a dull moment. Summers in Germany were
in particular, beautiful.
Take me back anytime.

Mar 01, 2015
Lamboy Strause
by: Wendy

I was there in 1973... I lived on the 6th floor above the
Roxy Bar and paid 350 DM a month for
rent... Beautiful City ... I will never forget the weddings in the park... The food.... The people and Pipneer Kaserne
weekends at Kimg Ludwigs Castles... The Markets

Aug 01, 2014
HI Anita
by: Anonymous

Thank you for that nice reply. So you live in Douglas. Im up outside the Lowell area in Dracut.

That was an old posting and I already went to Bavaria in 2012 and it was a beatifull trip and such pretty country. It reminded me of Vermont alot. Also visited 3 different castles while there. Bad part was I had a miserable cold all the time I was there. Must have caught it on the plane.
I haven't been back to see Bernie since but im sure I will eventually go back again.

I just recently made another interesting trip this past April to the country of Cambodia with my Cambodian American friend who was born there. Was a fantastic trip and certainly very much different then Germany. Only thing there was I don't care for the Cambodian food but boy do I love German food. Give me a bratwurst or wiener snitzel with pomme fritz or german potato salad and my taste buds are in heaven.

Aug 01, 2014
long lasting friendships
by: Anita

Hi David, My name is Anita and I live in Douglas, MA. I learned about you through facebook from Bernhard König. As a matter of fact he sent me your youtube site just today. I am one of those souvenirs my husband brought back with him from Germany. He came from Cambridge. Just wanted to say that I love your story and that you were able to get back in touch with Bernie and all your memories of Germany. I lived in Offenbach and Frankfurt for a few years. So I know the neighborhood. Unfortunately I never made it to Hanau.
My home town is Augsburg. I don't know when you wrote about your plans to visit Bavaria, but I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time (or HAD a wonderful time)
Good luck and God bless

Aug 05, 2012
Visiting Hanau
by: David Arsenault


I am glad you like my story about Hanau. I forgot to metion though he actually now lives and another town very near Hanau called Langenselbold and that's where Ill be staying with him when I'm there but I'm sure we will be visiting Hanau too and my old base Pioneer Kassern even though it is deserted now and kinda makes me a little depressed to see i that way.

Aug 05, 2012
Hanau revisited!!!
by: Anonymous

Dear David
Loved your Hanau story.I was born in Hanau and lived in a small town nearby. I met a handsome young GI in Hanau and we have been happily married for over 33 years. It is nice to see that others remember Hanau and Germany as a nice place. I am thrilled that you found your friend Bernie and are in contact with him. I myself am always looking to find friends from "way back then" Good luck on your next trip, and enjoy.

Aug 05, 2012
What a coincidence!
by: Rita

Hello David,

Thank you so much for taking the time to write your story. It always makes me happy that so many people have good memories of my home town.

Wow, that is really wonderful that you met your old friend again, after nearly 40 years. The internet is not a bad thing :).

Many of the former US barracks have changed into new housing areas, however, the Pioneer Kaserne is still empty, a sad sight.

There are big changes happening in Hanau right now. I've put on a photo album on my Facebook page called Hanau baut um. Freiheitsplatz is going to be totally rebuilt with a huge cultural and shopping center, but this will take a few years until completed.

I've added also many other photo albums on the Facebook page, so have a look around and stay in touch. There are quite a few people who are "fans" of the Germany Facts Facebook page who were also stationed in Hanau. Perhaps you will find some more friends.

Anyway, thanks again for your story. Enjoy your stay in Hanau and the trip to Bavaria. Have a good time.


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