Displaced persons camp in Hanau late 1940's

by Kris
(Wisconsin, US)

Hutier Kaserne March 2013

Hutier Kaserne March 2013

Hi all,

my Mom and family resided at the US displaced persons camp post World War II.
Does anyone know if the camp still exists. We'll be visiting this spring with my Mom and my kids.

Reply to displaced persons camp Hanau

By Rita

Hi Kris,

I did some research about the displaced persons (DP) camp in Hanau and came up with this info. Actually, it is hard to find mentions of displaced people camps at all.
Obviously even US soldiers who were based at the barracks after the camp was closed, hardly knew that it had existed.

  • There was a camp at Francois Kaserne installed immediately after the end of WW II. It was closed when the US army took over the barracks.

  • There was another camp at Hutier Kaserne. I don't know how long at all this camp existed. There used to be a cairn at the ground of Hutier that mentioned the DP camp.

  • The camps in Hanau don't exist anymore. All but two DP camps in Germany were closed by 1952. The last one was closed by the end of the 1950s.

So for your upcoming visit, you can still see the buildings of the former barracks at Lamboystrasse in Hanau. Since the US army left Hanau, they have all turned to civil use.

lamboystrasse hanau

Buildings of the former Francois Kaserne on the right

The historic buildings of Hutier Kaserne have been sold to an investor just recently. The buildings will be renovated and provided for commercial and industrial use.

The buildings of Francois Kaserne house offices and a school for adult education, amongst user uses.

Hanau has changed a lot since those years after WW II. I wish you and your family a pleasant stay.


Comments for Displaced persons camp in Hanau late 1940's

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Jun 03, 2024
Surprised to know the history NEW
by: Gerald B. Turner

I was stationed in hanau in early 1989 on Francois Kasern .I have many fond memories of the city and the German people. My time that I served there for the u.s. army was my duty to my country. The German people that i encountered made me feel welcomed. I’ll never forget the German people, hanau and the beautiful country of deutschland.

Apr 12, 2024
Stationed in Hanau NEW
by: Anonymous

I was stationed in Hanau in my final year in the service ( Army) Great memories and a beautiful area.I worked in what I believes was old train depots or service buildings.Fond memories of my time there

Oct 26, 2021
Hanau Camp NEW
by: Anonymous

Hanau Camp

Hanau camp was established by the relief organisation UNRRA . My great aunt and her husband worked there and I believe that some information is held by the Imperial War Museum

Oct 08, 2020
parents and brother in hanau 1945-49
by: grazina platt

hello- my parents, tatiana and kazimieras seliokas and my brother zenonas were in hanau after being captured in germany. they were fleeing from lithuania..and they accepted a ride on a german munitions truck! My dad saw a plane above, and said that at least if they did, they'll die together. He saw a white star on the plane...and their long jourey was done..a roadblock stopped the truck..my family all got -out with their hands up. The Americans saved them! They had fond memories of Hanau...a peace they didn't feel for a long time. They emigrated to the U.S. in 1949. My brother went back a few years ago. What memories, what nightmares!
Thank you to Hanau and the U.S. for saving their lives.
Grazina Platt

Apr 25, 2019
En busca Registros Hanau 1946
by: Anamary

Hola. Intento ayudar a una persona a conseguir sus registros, documentos y sus origenes. Nacio en Hanau el 22 abril de 1946. Si alguien sabe donde debo buscar??? quien me puede ayudar????? Por el comentario de el Sr George Pugach entiendo si es posible conseguir la información. Gracias...

Jan 25, 2019
DP Persnnel
by: Ron Turner

Stationed in Hanau 1958-60. Traveling from city on Lamboy Strs. past Hess-homburg Kersene there was a dirt road to the left that led to where some of the DP Personnel still lived. I dated a girl from there.

May 14, 2018
by: Suzanne hammond

My mom was born sept 9 1946 in Hanau to a 15 yr old polish girl who had a relationship with an american soldier. She had lost her mother to Typhus . so it was her and her father and younder sister. She gave my mom up to a Latvian couple who came to canada. My mother at 73 still yearns to know her mother. There are probably hundreds of stories just like this one.

Dec 06, 2017
Return to Camp Area
by: Arvids Lielkajsnonymous

The buildings which were used as Latvian DP camp
known as Hutier Kasarne was there in 2016 and was in process being rebuilt. Most of the buildings were completed. Work was in progress for camp building #6 and the jail building. The site looked better in 2016 as I remembered 1946-1950 when I lived there as a displaced person. The buildings are on the left side of Lamboy strasse at the end of the street when you are walking or driving from
the direction of the city itself. Now they generally look like regular apartment buildings.
The Lithuania camp buildings were rebuilt
before 2008.

Dec 05, 2017
Latvian memories
by: Leon Zagorskis

My Latvian born father, Aleksandrs Zagorskis, his cousin Jevgenija Lielkajis, and my fathers army buddy, Arvids Lielkajs, all lived here for a time after 1945. They attended Latvian school and lived in the old police/court house building in a basement room. I was fortunate to have a personally guided tour of the site in 2016 by Arvids (who has just turned 90 but has an excellent memory). As mentioned in other posts, the site is now under renovation but the externals look like they will be kept so those with memories of those times will hopefully have something to cherish.

Feb 09, 2017
Hanau DP Camp
by: Maija Veide

Our family lived in one room in the building with the SKOLA sign. The common bathroom was down the hall at one end and the common kitchen was at the opposite end. In between other rooms housed additional families. I attended a Latvian first grade in the same building. We emigrated in 1949 from Bremerhaven on the ship General R L Howze bound for New York.

Dec 15, 2016
Hanau DP Camp
by: Anonymous

I was in Hanau DP camp until 1949 when my family emigrated to the US I was 13 years old
I remember the camp being in a U shape. Lots of land at the top of the U. Many families raised pigs to supplement scarce food. Our pig got stolen the night before it was to be slaughtered.
I went to school there (Latvian), became a girl scout, took piano lessons.
Our family of four lived in one small room. I bless my parents for bringing me and my brother to America.

Nov 19, 2016
by: A. Bisers

year of departure should be Dec., 1949

Nov 11, 2016
Eight year old at camp.
by: Arvids Bisers

I was eight when we left to go to the US in
Dec., 1945. My family lived in two places in the Kaserne and I started school there.


Sep 11, 2016
Hutier Kaserne
by: Lila R

I was a MP and lived on Hutier from 1992-1996. I have great memories of my time there. I had no ideal it had been a DP camp. Thank you for posting these pictures.

Jan 17, 2014
Hutier Kaserne Displaced Persons Camp
by: Adam White

I fear this is too late for your trip. When you enter Hutier, turn right and go to the last barracks on the right (it's a 3 to 4 story building). You will see a stone about 3 feet tall commemorating the Displaced Persons Camp. Hope this helps.

Jan 17, 2014
born in Hanau
by: George Pugach

I was born in Hanau on April 7, 1946 to Russian parents. My Mom received compensation from the German government for her forced labour. The amount
of $6000 was miserly, but I suppose it was the thought that counted! Amazing that the Germans had all the info on her, how she was brought to Hnau against her will from Russia!!

May 03, 2013
Lived in the Hanau DP camp
by: A. Malinauskas

My family and I left Gotha in 1945 when east Germany was turned over the Russians. Ended up in the DP camp in Hanau. Lived there until 1948 than we got passage on the first UNRRA sponsored ship to the US.

Mar 10, 2013
by: Kris

Thanks so much for the photos and the information--very helpful!

Mar 10, 2013
Hutier Kaserne
by: Rita

Here are more photos:

abandoned hutier kaserne

Hutier Kaserne March 2013

abandoned hutier kaserne

There is a lot of building activity at the Kaserne right now. The building in the background has been renovated, others will follow.

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